Labor and Delivery (OB) Services Temporarily Closed Effective April 1, 2025 Until Further Notice
Drive Thru Flu Vaccine Clinic

The Harrison County Health Department and Harrison County Hospital will offer a Public Drive-Thru Flu Vaccine Clinic on Tuesday, October 3 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Harrison County Fairgrounds.  Cost is $20.00 for vaccine for those 5 – 64 years of age, and $60 for a high dose vaccine for those 65 years of age and older. Cash or check only. Will bill for Medicare patients. Medicare card must be presented.

The clinic is for ages five and older. Children 17 years of age and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  The vaccine offered will be a quadrivalent vaccine, designed to protect against four different flu viruses.

Vehicles should access the clinic by entering the Harrison County Fairgrounds through the Main Entrance off Capital Avenue. Nurses administering the vaccine will be available on both sides of the car for the convenience of drivers and passengers requesting the shot.  Those receiving the vaccine should wear sleeveless or short sleeve shirts. For faster service, print and complete the drive thru vaccine consent form in advance and bring it with you to the clinic.

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